Emotional Freedom Technique

EFT is a complementary therapy. It may best be described as acupuncture without needles. Acupressure points are tapped on with the fingers in a particular sequence, while the issue or symptoms are talked through in a structured way. EFT helps to focus the mind, allowing buried memories and feelings to be released from the subconscious and dealt with safely. The act of tapping helps to calm, even when talking about traumatic experiences or uncomfortable feelings. EFT can work faster than other talk therapies at times, because it deals directly with the emotions which may be holding us back, preventing healing.

Along with mindfulness, it is one of the most powerful methods for helping to reduce feelings of anxiety, fear and pain. It can be used for anything and everything, and is a particularly good technique for helping to overcome phobias and any difficulty where strong emotions are involved. It also works particularly well with children and can be carried out by the parent on the child, or for the child, if necessary. This can be useful if the child is very young or has special needs.