Lockdown trials and tribulations

So here we are in our 4th week of a third lockdown. How are we coping?

There are so many stresses and demands upon us right now. Kids at home. Work at home perhaps or maybe having to go out for this and feeling at risk. Worries about our own health and safety whilst out and about on essential tasks or business. Kids struggling and becoming stressed…adding to our own stress. The differing opinions of others. Money worries…the list goes on

Most of us know that we cant support others fully without being well and strong ourselves, yet all this stuff is beating us down. We are trying to be everything…parent, partner, teacher, support, employee, housekeeper, cook… whilst managing our own worries. All the plates are spinning and probably wobbling and perhaps falling intermittently. It would be a miracle to keep them all going.

So how do we attend to ourselves and keep ourselves emotionally strong with all this ‘stuff’?

Allowing ourselves time…it is essential even if it is only 5 minutes

Planning quality family time during which everyone has a break from the daily demands

Finding laughter and joy in an activity and sharing that with those you care for

Stop trying to be perfect it’s impossible! We’re all doing the best we can

If you are feeling like it’s all too much there is support available. I am doing consultations via zoom as a first step. We can talk things through and decide what to do next. I will give you some advice and options to choose from. You don’t have to do this alone and it’s ok to reach out for help. We could all do with some right now

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