Integrated Energy Techniques (IET)

In Chinese medicine, it is believed that stagnant energy creates blockages in the body’s energy system. If these blockages are not cleared, they will eventually show up physically as pain, and sometimes result in serious diseases, such as cancer. One technique alone will often not be enough to deal with more complex issues. Where there is resistance to healing (clearing the blocks), fear dominates, and we feel powerless to take control of our lives, and our health, and our ability to make changes is compromised.

Using a range of energy techniques and integrating them into the healing process, can help us to move away from fear, towards love. Healing is about recovering our capacity to consistently choose love over fear, to connect to love, to learn how to love and accept ourselves.

Research has found that significant emotional experiences almost always precede the beginning of illness. Unexpressed or buried emotions block the energy flow in the body. The longer they remain buried, the more stagnant the energy flow becomes, eventually creating blockages, and the more likely that disease will be the end result.

Integrated energy techniques can be extremely effective in helping to restore healthy energy flow where disease or extreme trauma has taken hold. I may use Matrix Re-imprinting, Visualisation, Colour, Re-Framing and the Heart Anchor, as well as Emotional Freedom Technique during a therapy session, where Integrated energy techniques are required.